Sunday, December 1, 2013


Everyone has been writing things they are thankful for so I decided I would blog about it. Plus for Heritage's wellness goal this week we had to list 14 things we are thankful for. So two birds with one stone. So here goes the list:

1. I am grateful for my mom. She has taught me the value of an education and how to be a great mom.
2. I am grateful for  my dad. He has taught me the value of hard work, never giving up and serving those around him.

3. I am grateful for my brother Will. He has proved people wrong and been his own person. He has the kindest heart and would give the shirt off of his back to someone in need. See last years Christmas post for proof. He works very hard for what he wants. PS He is now assistant program director for 1320 KFAN so very very proud of him.

4. I am thankful for my sister Becca. She has taught me how to fight through struggles. She is also a wonderful little sister who will go on roadtrips with me.

5.  I am grateful for my little brother Josh. I am proud of him for choosing to serve a mission. Befriending
those around him and leading by example.                                                                                                 

6. I am thankful for my sister Alicia. She is the smartest Smith kid around. She also keeps us laughing.

7. I am grateful for my sister Amy. She has fantastic fashion. I love her unwanted SASS. She completes our family.                                                                                                                                

8. I am grateful for my grandparents. For loving me for who I am. For encouraging me when I am down. 

9.I am grateful for my family. My Aunts,Uncles and cousins. I love having family close by. Some of my cousins are like my sisters. I think it is wonderful that we can get together and do nothing but still enjoy ourselves.

10.  I am eternally grateful for the gospel. The blessings of knowing I am a child of God. The friendships the gospel has brought into my life. Last Sunday I sat in Sacrament Meeting overwhelmed by the many friends I have found in the singles ward. I know that friendship is a key part of the gospel. Jesus loves us and wants us to love each other. Which I believe we show in friendship. 

11. A thankful post wouldn't be complete without thankful turkeys right? I am so very grateful for my job. I love having the opportunity to teach young minds. They teach me so much each day. I spend the day laughing and enjoying my job. I am also grateful for the friendships I have gained through my job. One very key family would be the Soper's. That family alone has taught me more than any class could teach. Thank you Andrea, Dave, Connor, Elly and Ollie for teaching me so much. And yes you are welcome for not searching for a pic....minus Elly I can always find a pic of us. 

12. I am sure I could add at least fifty more pictures. Friends are wonderful. Just talking to a friend can make any day better. I am grateful for the friends I've had throughout the years.

13. Have you noticed how gorgeous Utah has been? The 4 seasons and the sun shining. And the many different aspects of beauty that we can experience daily. So grateful to live where I do. 

14. And last but not least I am grateful for temples. They are beautiful places to become closer to The Lord. They are breathtaking on the outside. I truly love the feeling I have after I have spent time in the temple. 

And this concludes my thankful post and a zillion pictures.